The Mad Hatters' Parade is an annual community-built wearable-art parade on the streets of Hudson, NY. Anyone can join our retinue of aspiring artists, agile absurdists, and ambulatory agitators to create an open-source work of mobile performance art. Drawing inspiration from global Carnival masquerades and Hudson’s evolving history as a city of makers, the Mad Hatters’ Parade brings together Hudson’s diverse communities in a shared spectacle of the nonsensical. Hats and headdresses, body-extensions and puppets, and wearable assemblages in any form are welcome. The Parade steps off from the Hudson Area Library at 2 PM and wends its way to a final Grand Sashay at the Hudson Waterfont.

What is a Mad Hatters' Parade?
Anything you want it to be. ​
A convocation of wearable art ~ from Carnival creations to Easter promenades; from rural Wildermann stomps to couture catwalks.
A celebration of Hudson’s evolution as a city of makers...
A looking glass, a phantom toll-both, a wild rumpus...
A movement of anti-movements Dada, Fluxus, Butoh, Punk, …
A revel of difference and dissent, nonconformity and neurodiversity.
None of the above, or all of the below….

What are the Four Pillars of Madhattedness...
We thought you'd never ask!
The Mad Hatters' Parade is a participatory wearable art parade. Join us in your towering hats, your burlesque body extensions, your mischievous puppets, your kinetic architecture, your cacophanous instruments.
The Mad Hatters' Parade is human-powered. Art you can wear, carry, roll, strap on, or otherwise physically animate is welcome. We are a street-level, interactive experience. We don’t wave Imperiously From On High riding floats, fire trucks, or flat-beds. Your only vehicle is yourself.
The Mad Hatters' Parade is hand-made. Making is central to our purpose. We lead workshops to create lightweight, wearable artworks through various Hudson youth programs, as well as in free drop-in Mad Hat Slams for the whole community.