An art parade, even a silly one, takes serious resources to pull off. You can help us bring free puppet workshops to Hudson youth, provide materials and instruction for community Mad Hat Slams, support local musicians, and cover costs for event insurance, publicity, and puppet-trucking.
Make a secure, tax-exempt donation to Processional Arts Workshop, producer of the Mad Hatters’ Parade. We are a registered non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3). Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Click on the Donate Button below to access our secure Paypal server
You can also mail a check to:
Processional Arts Workshop
90 La Bergerie Lane
Red Hook, NY 12571

Mad Props to our generous supporters:

Thendara Foundation
Alan Neumann
Peter Frank
Tricia and Foster Reed
Roger Downs
Karen Davis
Patricia Valdez
Melora Kuhn
Marghee Barrows
Denis Whalen
Ines Alvarez
Daniel Petrucci & Hans Hoppenbrouwers
Molly Salisbury
Karen Davis
Lisa Durfee
Grace Gunning
Ursula Tenny
Marion Bunan