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The Mad Hatters' Parade gathers on 51 North 5th Street, in front of the Hudson Area Library.   Let us know you're coming and check in the at the Library gates to line up by 1:30 PM. The Parade steps off at 2 PM. 


Mad Hatters’ Parade is a meandering street promenade – no barricades, no floats, and no grand marshal waving from on high. Just don your headwear and jump in anywhere en route! Each year we follow a different route, honoring different blocks of Hudson. 


This year, we head out on North 5th, going down Warren, Union, and Columbia to Front Street, with a Grand Sashay up Promenade Hill Park and final Huzzah around St. Winifred, whose storied capacity for regrowing lost heads is an inspiration to us all. (lingering music and exquisite treats at Parade's end are a definite possibility)


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